Thursday, November 4, 2010

Twenty six Letters

I had a miniature version of this on facebook once as well but Toes said to put it on here too. 
Twenty six letters make up the English alphabet. With those twenty six letters you can combine them in hundreds of thousands of ways to make words. Depending on who you ask, there are approximately 200,000 words in the English language. We use 1,000 to 2,000 in our daily lives. I only use 100 to 200 'cause I'm a "man of few words." Not that I don't know more than 200, I just don't talk much. 
These words have enormous power to build up or tear down. To curse or to bless. To give life or to destroy. God spoke everything into existence. The moon, stars, heaven, land, sea, animals and you and I. He spoke blessing. We speak blessings over ourselves and others when we say things that build us up. Good job, I can handle this, you're so fun to be with. We speak cursing with phrases such as, I'm an idiot. you suck, how stupid can you be?  
How many times have we said something and regretted it later if not as soon as it left our mouth? How many times have we said something and brought a smile to someones face or tears of joy to their eyes? 
Someday we will have to answer to how we used these twenty six letters. Did we use them to bring joy or cause sadness. To encourage or discourage? 
Twenty six letters, individually not much to look at. Use them in certain combinations and they are very powerful. 
Have a blessed weekend.

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