Monday, November 15, 2010

Counting my blessings

     I have a shelf full of tickets. Not traffic tickets, they're Bronco tickets, Ute tickets and concert tickets. I have  a computer full of pictures of people, animals, flowers, sunsets, snow, ice, clouds, mountains and fields. All things I got to experience. On this computer that I store my pics on I have this cool little site called facebook that I can keep up with friends and make new ones if I choose.
     The tickets represent time spent doing something I enjoy. Football and music. The football is a minimum of four hours spent with at least one friend and or family member. The concert is a minimum of three hours spent with a friend and or family member. I keep the tickets not to say I went here or saw this. I keep them because each one represents a time that God has blessed me. On any given Sunday I am one of only 76,000 people out of how ever many billion people are on the earth to be at that spot doing something I like. Same with concerts. Only a small number of people can get into the building to hear the band. Each time I am with someone I want to be with to share it.
     Pictures. I have thousands of pictures thanks to digital photography. No more costly film development. Each one represents a time I was well enough to walk out the door and go for a hike. Each picture is something that I can share with someone else that can't hike due to age, health, finances or transportation. Each picture is something that shows how creative God is. A small flower no bigger than a pin head to a 12,000 foot high snow covered mountain with a mountain goat and her kid. I share it with someone else and God may use it to bless them or speak to them.
    Facebook. What an amazing way to keep in touch with people. It can be as curse as well if not used correctly. It can be used to encourage, to share important events both upcoming and already passed. It can be used to reach out to someone having a difficult time. It can be used just to say hi and bring a smile to someones face.
     Three simple things, tickets, pictures and a web site. In ten years there have been about 90 football games and or concerts. About 10,000 pictures and most recently a daily visit with friends on facebook.
All insignificant in the big scheme of things but each one represents a blessing from God. He knows I like football, music, hiking, photography and people. He blesses me because He loves me.
      I'll keep saving my tickets and pictures and sharing time with my friends and every once in awhile when life seems like it sucks, I will count my blessings and pray that God uses me bless some one else with my time, pictures or tickets or just a hug and encouraging word.

1 comment:

  1. I was doing the same thing last night. :) I may not have a job but I sure am getting to spend a LOT of time with Ethan and we are still being blessed financially without it being a burden to our families. so I too was counting my blessings. Love you!
