Sunday, March 13, 2011


Mt Everest is 29,035 feet tall. The Mariana trench is 36,210 feet deep. The average distance to the moon is 238,857 miles. To the sun is 93,020,000 miles. The Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across. It is believed to contain 200 to 400 billion stars. Who knows how many millions or billions of galaxies besides the Milky Way there are. There are approximately 6.8 billion people on earth. There is only one you.
In the beginning God created all of this. Galaxies, stars, suns, moons, mountains and valleys. He knows each star. He set the stars in their places. The sun is far enough from earth that it doesn't scorch us yet close enough that we get its warmth. Each mountain range and valley was designed by Him. The mountains catch the winter snows and store them to water the valleys in the summer.
Six point eight billion people on the planet earth and He knows each one of us and how many hairs we have on our head. He knows our thoughts, dreams, fears, likes and dislikes. Of all the things He has created you are the most important creation. More than galaxies, mountains, valleys, birds, whales, you name it. You are the most important thing to Him.
I started out by wanting to give a small perspective on just how big God is. He's created things that are thousands of light years across. Like we really can comprehend what a light year is. He put the sun 93 million miles away. Most of us will be lucky if we even come close to driving 500,000 to 1,000,000 miles in our lifetime so imagine 93,000,000 miles. Just drive around the earth 3,735,000 times and you'll get an idea. Maybe if we just think on a smaller scale. From the bottom of the deepest ocean to the top of the highest mountain it's 65,235 feet. Only 12 1/2 miles. That's easier to wrap your brain around. Hold on, when was the last time you dug a hole 6 1/2 miles deep and piled the dirt 6 miles high above it?
We can't even begin to understand the bigness of God. When it comes to Him we have to think outside the box because there isn't a box big enough to put Him in.
We can't know how big God is but we can and do know that He loves us more than anything. He died for us and then rose again so we could be with Him. That's right, we couldn't put Him in a box on earth either.
The one that made you wants to spend eternity with you.

Be a blessing and be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the last part of that... "He died and rose again. That's right we couldn't even put him in a box on Earth."

    Well said daddy. :)
